News & Blog

Website Change by Ciccio - 20/12/23 @ 01:51 (UTC — UTC+2) #

I make some Big Change to the Index.

I made it similar to the Index/Home Page of the old Space Jam (1996) website.

I give you the opportunity to see the old Index, I'll try to update it in the future.

I worked on the new icons for the various sections of the site, in these weeks I will working on some sections to fill in the empty links.

Thanks for reading, stay updated!

Happy 20th Birthday to me by Ciccio - 14/12/23 @ 03:45 (UTC — UTC+2) #

Happy 20th Birthday to Me


WELCOME by Ciccio - 26/07/23 @ 23:57 (UTC — UTC+2) #

Howdy, welcome to my website.

I'm Ciccio, but you can call me Frank Dragon.

You can find information on the page How I Am.

If you want to contact me you can do it via discrod from my two accounts.

  • FrenkDragon71#2330
  • Ciccio-Tan#1380

Thanks for reading and have a good day!
